life beyond the well…

About “Beyond the Well”

The Old Well at UNC

The Old Well at UNC

I started writing this blog at another site in November 2004, when I was a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Upon my graduation in May 2005, I transitioned into “adult life”, and I continued my blogging.  However, I feel strongly that my years on that beautiful campus were some of the most formative years of my life. To quote another alum, my time there was, “as close to magic as I’ve ever been.”

As a student at UNC, I discovered myself, but I also discovered God.  It was during this time that I encountered God, like the Samaritan woman, at my own well.  I took God up on His offer to drink from the living water, and as He promised, I have not been thirsty again.

The Old Well is one of the most visible and most beautiful symbols of the University.  And I’ve entitled my blog as “life beyond the well” because it’s where I express, or rather apply the knowledge given to me along with the gifts and talents exposed to me at UNC as I’ve ventured out into the “real world”.  However, it is also a continuous reminder and reflection of God’s faithfulness to me after encountering Him at the well.

I invite you to join me on this journey, as I share my experiences about all that this abundant life beyond the well has to offer!


5 thoughts on “About “Beyond the Well”

  1. whas randomly checking websites and came across here. Firstly u are divinely beautiful sistah. kudos on the page itz nice i went to state i grad in 03. i still stay in durham nc for now. anyway stop my page and check it out also on facebook(like everyone else lol)

  2. I was on my best friend’s page (Pharr Away) and just so happened to see your button on the side. I said, “Hey, there’s the Old Well. It must be UNC related, so I must check it out!” I browsed your page and realized that we went to school together. I remember seeing you around here and there. I love your page and look forward to reading future posts!!

  3. I really enjoy your blog title! The story behind it is great and I like deep meaning stuff 🙂 Can’t wait to keep following along.

  4. Pingback: And Then I Won a Liebster Award? | life beyond the well...

  5. Love the story behind this title! What a great story 🙂

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