life beyond the well…

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Turning Two

It’s hard for us to believe, but today our sweet caboose, Mr. Elisha Jadon, is two years old! Elisha was born on December 15, 2021 at 8:00pm; weighing in at 8lbs and 8oz.

Elisha, like Ethan, is one of my favorite answered prayers. He truly carries the joy of the Lord in his little body. He wakes up happy EVERY morning and does the best happy dance when we (or either of his siblings) enter the room. 

While we don’t have favorite kids (IYKYK), Elisha has added such joy to our family and we think that he’s every sibling’s favorite sibling. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity that we have to steward his life, and I am so excited to see who he will become and how he will impact the world.

Elisha, those small in stature, has learned how to take up space. He is clear about his boundaries (please don’t get too close), and his likes and dislikes. If you were to look at him, you wouldn’t be able to tell that he can be a picky eater, but he LOVES the food that he loves (applesauce, milk, bread, crackers, meat, fries, chips) and may entertain trying something new. Like his big brother, he’s started to show some excitement towards sports (football and basketball), and he is easily excited about opportunities to learn. He frequently brings us books to read, saying, “Read!” or, “Book!” which means it’s time to read together, and his love of Gracie’s Corner and Super Why! have resulted in recognition of all of his letters and some of his numbers.

In general, he’s pretty easy going and go with the flow, but when he is dissatisfied, he will let you know loudly and clearly. He is content in moving at his own pace (he was “late” moving into the next class because he didn’t want to walk, and despite all the best attempts, we had to induce labor), and I think he knows that as our last baby, we’re content to let him take all the time he needs. 

Elisha was a little bit of a surprise to us, but his presence has been a healing blessing, and truly beauty for ashes. I was a little worried about ALL the things that come with adding a new baby to the family (especially considering the age differences), but it has been nothing short of amazing. In reflection, I was in survival mode for a lot of Ethan’s infant/toddler phase and having the opportunity to do that again, with a lot more self-awareness, self-advocacy, time, and patience has been beautifully sweet. I am so glad that Elisha is here, and I am so glad that he is ours.

Join me in wishing our sweet caboose, Mr. Elisha Jadon, a happy 2nd birthday! 

Until next time- be encouraged! Peace and blessings!

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The Father’s Voice

In my immediate postpartum period, Ethan and I didn’t leave the house much. I was, as most mothers of newborns are, insanely sleep-deprived and just trying to figure out the basics of survival in our new normal.

Preacherman was able to enjoy some time at home with us, but soon he returned to work. He ended up missing just one Sunday from church (the Sunday Ethan was born), and for the other Sundays where Ethan and I were home, we were able to hear the message via Periscope or some other streaming technology.

Though Ethan and I were trying to master our routines, it seemed that without fail on Sunday mornings, something would happen that would have him upset. When I say “upset”, I mean, borderline inconsolable.  I would try everything–singing, rocking, diaper changing, nursing…and while each thing might provide a short moment’s relief, he would eventually be upset again.

Until he heard his father’s voice.

As soon as Ethan heard Preacherman’s voice, starting with the scripture, and going into the message, he would calm down; and eventually go into rest, usually falling asleep in my arms.

I’m a lot like Ethan.

There are things in this life that make me upset- borderline inconsolable, even. Unlike Ethan, I have coping mechanisms that are beyond screaming and crying uncontrollably. But like Ethan, I am immediately soothed to a place of rest and peace when I hear the voice of my heavenly father.

Truthfully, it can be hard at times to hear the father’s voice. The weight of the world can feel so heavy and the sounds of the world can be so loud.  But in those moments, it’s important that we press into His presence through prayer, praise, and worship- that we call out to Him so that we can hear what He has to say to us. No time spent in His presence is wasted and it is in his presence that we can experience the fullness of joy.

I feel challenged to make sure that when things around me seem so loud and overwhelming that I’m being diligent about pursuing God’s presence so that I can hear His voice.  Then I will experience the peace and joy that I’ve been longing for, and can be prepared to face the challenges of life.

Until next time…

Be encouraged! Peace and blessings!