life beyond the well…

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Turning Two

It’s hard for us to believe, but today our sweet caboose, Mr. Elisha Jadon, is two years old! Elisha was born on December 15, 2021 at 8:00pm; weighing in at 8lbs and 8oz.

Elisha, like Ethan, is one of my favorite answered prayers. He truly carries the joy of the Lord in his little body. He wakes up happy EVERY morning and does the best happy dance when we (or either of his siblings) enter the room. 

While we don’t have favorite kids (IYKYK), Elisha has added such joy to our family and we think that he’s every sibling’s favorite sibling. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity that we have to steward his life, and I am so excited to see who he will become and how he will impact the world.

Elisha, those small in stature, has learned how to take up space. He is clear about his boundaries (please don’t get too close), and his likes and dislikes. If you were to look at him, you wouldn’t be able to tell that he can be a picky eater, but he LOVES the food that he loves (applesauce, milk, bread, crackers, meat, fries, chips) and may entertain trying something new. Like his big brother, he’s started to show some excitement towards sports (football and basketball), and he is easily excited about opportunities to learn. He frequently brings us books to read, saying, “Read!” or, “Book!” which means it’s time to read together, and his love of Gracie’s Corner and Super Why! have resulted in recognition of all of his letters and some of his numbers.

In general, he’s pretty easy going and go with the flow, but when he is dissatisfied, he will let you know loudly and clearly. He is content in moving at his own pace (he was “late” moving into the next class because he didn’t want to walk, and despite all the best attempts, we had to induce labor), and I think he knows that as our last baby, we’re content to let him take all the time he needs. 

Elisha was a little bit of a surprise to us, but his presence has been a healing blessing, and truly beauty for ashes. I was a little worried about ALL the things that come with adding a new baby to the family (especially considering the age differences), but it has been nothing short of amazing. In reflection, I was in survival mode for a lot of Ethan’s infant/toddler phase and having the opportunity to do that again, with a lot more self-awareness, self-advocacy, time, and patience has been beautifully sweet. I am so glad that Elisha is here, and I am so glad that he is ours.

Join me in wishing our sweet caboose, Mr. Elisha Jadon, a happy 2nd birthday! 

Until next time- be encouraged! Peace and blessings!

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40: My Race. My Pace. My Lane.

Photos by Rayvon Creates

To me, one of the most beautiful things about aging is that, for better or worse, we become more of who we are. I have watched women (and men) around me as we all have gotten older and it has been incredible to see them truly celebrate who they are with a richness and sense of joy and gratitude.

Living to become 40 years old is an incredible blessing. And I don’t know that I feel like it’s been 40 years. You can’t tell me that college wasn’t just yesterday – and yet I graduated from undergrad nearly 20 years ago. While there are many years behind me, I still feel like my best years are ahead. I’m looking forward to continuing to grow in love and marriage with Preacherman, watching the kids grow and achieve their dreams, impacting Jacksonville and beyond for the kingdom of God – the list is long!

As I’m approaching being “middle-aged” (or maybe I’m already there), I’m committed to running my race, at my pace, in my lane. I ran track for over 10 years, and one of the most common pieces of advice that I got from my coaches was, “Erin: Your race, your pace, your lane.” What they meant was that I didn’t need to spend time worrying about the people next to me. I needed to be focused on running the race that I had trained to run, at my pace, and I needed to stay in my lane. You see, what they knew, that I didn’t know at the time was that there’s a value in being focused on what you came to do. Also, you set yourself up to lose (or potentially be disqualified) when you become distracted and overly focused on others.

So at 40, I’m committed to running my race. I am growing in my understanding of who I am as a person with unique gifts and talents, called to make a difference in this world; and I am consistently seeking God for clarity on how those gifts and talents should be utilized, with the ultimate goal being that He is glorified.

I’m running at my pace. While there are others who may appear to be “ahead” of me based on the things they have or the life they are living (items, positions, titles, lifestyles, etc), it’s okay if it takes me a little longer to get there. Delays are not denials and He makes all things beautiful in His time.

I’m staying in my lane. If you have run track, you know that stepping out of your lane in a race can result in a disqualification. In the real world, stepping out of our lane may not result in disqualification, but it can create unnecessary tension and stress because you’re taking up someone else’s space. The truth of the matter is that my lane- the space of who I am and who I am called to be- is perfect for me.

While I’ve only been 40 for a few months, it has seemed less like “turning” and more like “becoming” – becoming more and more of who God has called me to be and being/becoming comfortable in that calling. Let’s see what God can do through me this year- and in the years to come!

Until next time- be encouraged! Peace and blessings!