life beyond the well…

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Trusting the GPS

One of the most useful modern inventions (and there are many) is the GPS. And arguably, not just the creation of GPS, but now the availability of it (on our phones, in our cars, etc) has really changed how we get to our destinations.

I grew up in the time of reading maps, and later, printing out directions from Mapquest to read to the driver or to try to read myself while driving to wherever I was headed. I distinctly remember planning a move to Athens, Georgia for graduate school and printing out pages of directions to EVERYWHERE I thought I needed to go in the first couple of days to ensure that I wouldn’t get lost – like, I had an entire binder that was labeled with directions on how to get to and from each place because I didn’t own a GPS and this was before smartphones were widely available/accessible. So, if you were going anywhere, you had a map and/or your Mapquest directions.

But, I digress.

We moved to Jacksonville a little over 10 years ago, and I am just now getting to the point where I don’t need my GPS to get to many places. At the same time, I almost always open Google Maps because I’m trying to assess if there’s anything that will delay my arrival to my destination. Usually, from that point, I’ll keep moving- going as directed. But sometimes, after assessing the situation and receiving the directions, I’ll make an executive decision to go differently than I’m directed. Sometimes the root of this decision is that I’m trying to take a “shortcut” that the GPS is “unaware” of and sometimes I just feel that if I go the way I know, I can get to my destination faster.

Friends, I am almost always wrong in this line of thinking and subsequent action.

What usually happens when I try to go my own way, as opposed to the way that I’m directed by the GPS is that I end up getting to my destination later than I would have arrived if I had just followed the directions that I was given. If I had just trusted the GPS, I would have arrived at my destination within the expected time frame.

Here’s the thing – we do this with our GPS, but we also do this in our faith walks. We pray, asking God to direct us or to provide clarity on the next steps we should take. And sometimes, we follow those directions. But other times we feel like we know best and try to take a shortcut or an alternative route. And while the shortcut or alternative route may still get us to our destination, we oftentimes are delayed and potentially encounter challenges that we never may have faced if we had just trusted the initial set of instructions or directions that we had received.

As we prepare to close out this year, and go into the new year, I want to challenge you to trust the GPS. Trust God. Don’t ask Him for advice or direction and then try to take shortcuts or alternative pathways to get there. Dig deep, and trust the process and the journey that He has for you, knowing that He is working all things for your good.

Until next time- be encouraged! Peace and blessings!

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Catching Up: Life Changes – He Doesn’t

Slow blinking, because it’s hard to believe that this year I turned 40! I suppose that would mean that I am officially an adult?

A lot has changed with me in the past five years. And a lot is still the same. Ethan is no longer a baby–he started 2nd grade this year, but he’s forever my baby. I finished my dissertation and officially became Dr. Erin Almond. We welcomed a baby boy in December 2021 (who is now about to be TWO years old #timeslowdown). My father passed away unexpectedly in February 2021. My mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly in March 2022. Preacherman and I both have different jobs with the same employers, and we’re still blessed to lead Higher Definition Church (now planted in the Arlington area of Jacksonville). Oh, and there was an entire global pandemic!

And so while a lot has changed, I’ll say this- God is the same. His faithfulness through these last few years has been beyond what I can imagine. There were days that felt really tough, and there were days that were full of joy – and in both, God is/was good.

It can be easy to deposit a, “God is good” when you feel that to be true. Similarly, it can be easy to slide into feelings that allow you to doubt God’s goodness when you feel that you’re going through hell and high water. The truth of the matter is that God is still good, still faithful, and still true to His word regardless of the circumstances happening in us and around us.

Navigating the last few years forced me to lean into the fact that every circumstance in my life is an opportunity to see and experience the goodness of God. It helped me to reframe my perspective and begin to operate more from a place of gratitude.

If you find yourself struggling to “feel” the goodness of God, know that you’re not alone. When life happens (or when life be lifing), it can be hard to feel or see His goodness- and yet it is there. My challenge for you is to try to name your blessings (or as the hymn says, “count your blessings, name them one by one”). And if you can’t name them, just expressing gratitude to God, a simple, “Lord, I thank you” is a good start.

Friends, I’m happy to be back in this space. I’m praying for you; that you know that His goodness and mercy follows you, that His mercies are new every morning, that He is for you, that He is good, and that every bit of your life testify to His goodness.

Until next time- be encouraged! Peace and blessings!