life beyond the well…

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Know Your Destination. Check Your Directions.

There’s not much that I hate more than being lost or being late.  Being lost brings up all types of feelings of confusion, anxiety, and frustration…and as a result of my being lost, I then end up being late.

This happened a few weeks ago as I was on my way to a meeting at another school for work.  I thought I had done all the preparation I needed in advance to ensure that I wouldn’t be late or lost.  I had entered the destination into my Google Maps app, I had all of my materials, and I gave myself some extra time.

And then I got caught in traffic.  Ridiculous traffic (think ATL rush time traffic) at 10am.  I was so confused, but I called and let them know that I was running late.  When Google Maps finally notified me that I had reached my destination- I was even more confused, because I wasn’t wear I should have been.  Imagine the frustration I felt when I realized that unbeknownst to me, Google Maps had directed me to the school’s athletic facilities, which were located at a separate site from the school (about 3-4 miles away).  I headed back in the opposite direction, and after a few more turnarounds, finally arrived at my destination…feeling completely flustered, and ridiculously late.  Even more frustrating was realizing that if I had used the correct directions, I would have never been caught in traffic, and I would have been on time to the meeting. Sigh.

From that experience, I was reminded of the importance of being certain of your destination- and making sure that you check your directions,  If you don’t know your destination, you can get detoured, run into traffic, meet all types of unnecessary circumstances- all because you are not certain of where you are supposed to be going.  But along that way, you need to make sure that you check your directions.  What is leading you and guiding you?  Is it aware of your destination?  If not, your directions could be leading you to a totally different destination.

Understanding my destination, my life’s purpose has provided so much clarity for me.  However, I have to constantly have my guard up about my directions- it’s so easy to get distracted by things that seem appealing (and engaging, and even profitable), but have no real purpose in my life, and won’t get me any further to where God is calling for me.  All of the little things matter.  Small decisions and choices about how I spend my time and my resources can all be indicators of how serious I am about reaching the destination that God has for me.  I’m determined to make it to my destination on time- using the directions that He has given me.

Be encouraged!  Peace and Blessings!

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2013- Second Quarter/First Half-Year Review

And just like that, it’s July! I can’t believe that we are in the second half of 2013.  It seriously seems like we were just celebrating the new year.  Preacherman and I are doing well, continuing to learn and grow together and becoming increasingly excited about the plans that God has for us.  At the beginning of the year, we committed some things to the Lord, and it’s been so wonderful to see how faithful He has been to us.

I’ve seen progress on both my dissertation and my exercise routine. I also wanted to focus on healthy eating and honoring God with my body and what I consume.  Though it’s been challenging (I love all the wrong foods just a little too much), the discipline of eating and exercising has paid off.  Since our wedding, I’ve lost about 10 pounds and I successfully completed my first 5K.  God has truly been faithful in these pursuits, and for that I am so grateful.

While it’s easy to just rest on what has happened so far, I’m challenged to believe God for more.  The faithfulness that God has demonstrated to me and Preacherman during the first half of the year is encouraging and empowering.  I’m looking forward to see what can happen next if I continue to exercise my faith and believe.  This is important for me, because it’s so easy to become complacent with what God has done, and adopt a “business as usual” mindset.  I don’t want to be on auto-pilot or cruise-control with God.  I want to be fully engaged, pressing for more, believing for more, trusting for more- in every area of my life.

So that’s what the second half of 2013 is like for me.  More. Lots more.

More of God.

More belief.

More worship.

More faith.

More faith in action.

More trust.

More love.

More love in action.


I’m excited to see what God has in store for the remainder of 2013, and I hope you are as well.  I know that there are many people who have struggled through the first part of this year, and I’m praying that you will continue to see and believe God for the things to come.  If what you’ve been believing God for in 2013, know that there is STILL time.  Trust that God will keep His promises.  Be encouraged that His ways are not our ways and His time not our time.  What takes us years can take God seconds.  Your waiting is not in vain!

Be encouraged!  Peace and Blessings!


“I am persuaded, Lord to love you.  I have been changed, to bless your name.  I am constrained by this great gospel, forever to worship you.”

“Lord your love for me gives me everything I need, and it keeps me wanting more…You are my delight and with you I’m satisfied. Your love keeps me wanting more…”