life beyond the well…

an unusual sunday

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Today I did a couple of things that I usually don’t do on Sundays: stay home from church and wash clothes.  I usually don’t wash clothes because of how I was raised: Sunday is the Lord’s Day, and we don’t do work on the Lord’s Day.  I recall waking up VERY early on Monday mornings on some occasions to wash the special item that I wanted to wear to school that day (that I had inconveniently forgotten to put with the wash on Saturday) because washing on Sundays was out of the question.

On the other end- staying home from church doesn’t happen often.  I usually have responsibilities at church that require me to be there (ie: Trustee Board, YPD, Pastor’s Assistant, Sunday School)…and I still had them today, but I felt that I needed to take some time for me.  I understand the argument that taking time for me can be done on ANY OTHER DAY of the week; however, my church involvement has become rather extensive to the point where for the sake of balance, I might need some time off.

A friend and I discussed how free it felt to actually “skip” church, just because of how in some ways we feel a little overwhelmed with our church commitments.  I think that the personal challenge is to find a balance in all aspects of life, but to also be in a place where you can use the gifts and talents that God has given you to uplift the kingdom in the best possible way.  On the other hand, I think that churches are excited to have young adults who desire to be involved, and their challenge is to not exclude them from areas they can serve, and to not over-commit and subsequently burn out the young adults.

So while my Sunday was unique- I feel recharged, rejuvenated, and refreshed.  I won’t be making a habit of any of these- washing on Sunday or not going to church; however, a break from what can sometimes be the monotony of life was good.

Be encouraged, all!

Author: erin.almond

God-chaser. NC native, now planted in Jacksonville, FL. Happily married to a handsome church-planting pastor. I am easily excited by Jesus, education, cupcakes, Moleskine notebooks, and Pepsi. Overwhelmed by God's amazing grace, undeserving of His love and mercy.

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